Here’s What’s On, March Events at By Lisa Watson;
There’s lots happening in March at By Lisa Watson;

Find my Made in GB textiles for your home here!
Blue Patch’s Original Sustainable Department Store runs at The Whitworth Art Gallery from 12th to 31st March.
If you can, do come along to the preview evening on Thursday 14th March between 6&9pm.

Find me on Stand 35
Find me & my Made in GB texiles for your home on stand 35 at the Contemporary Textiles Fair on 23rd & 24th March.
This is a new show for me and I am excited to be part of it. As you know, I really enjoy being part of fairs across the country. The atmosphere is always lively and it’s fun to talk to fellow makers & attendees.
I have several preview tickets for Friday 22nd March to pass on, so just get in touch if you would like one?

I’m looking for to European Summer beginning on Mothering Sunday, Sunday 31st March when I’m next at the fabulous Altrincham Market. (I’m also at Alty Mkt on Sat 30th too!)
Look out for my Folklore fabrics, unique Quilts & one of kind Harris Tweed patchwork cushions, plus lots more Made in GB textiles for the home to brighten up your interiors, as well as keep you warm & cosy. See you there?
P.S For the 2nd year I am taking part in the enjoyable @joannehawker#marchmeetthemaker challenge on Instagram, so if you have a moment do check out @lisawatso for my daily updates…
Happy March everyone x