Lisa Watson Blog

A fortnight ago I was on my way to Selvedge Spring Fair…

By lisawato / April 16, 2014 /

Goodness me how time flies and all that.

March was kinda crazy, but in a good way, with my son Joe at JDRF’s Type 1 Parliament (I got to accompany him whohoo!), I ran my first half Marathon in Wilmslow (and raised nearly £700 for JDRF whoo hoo too!), and moved house (v.happy, but best not to whoo hoo again though).

At the beginning of April, I headed down to Chelsea Old Town Hall on the Kings Road in London for the Selvedge Spring Fair;

Where to start? I met lots of fab people, got loads of contacts, handed out all of my business cards, received some sound advice and most importantly SOLD a couple of quilts (big whoo hoo! apologies but I just had to add that one in)

Here are the contact details of all the lovely exhibitors who with me were showing and selling their distinctive wares in the folksy room;

My folksy shop is;

And here are the other exhibitors sharing the folksy room;

and a special mention must go to; for re-tweeting and favoriting all my tweets throughout Selvedge Spring Fair.

I’ve just checked the date and seen it is the 16th today, so half way through April already. I think this month is being kinda crazy too, but still in a good way 🙂

Don’t forget at the end of the month, I am at Home Is In the North;

See you there then. x

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A sumptuous quilt looking good enough to eat…

By lisawato / April 14, 2014 /

A tasty quilt with candy colours, looking good enough to eat. Well perhaps not actually to eat, but I just cannot stop enthusing about my new Harris Tweed and velvet quilts, especially as Jo Bradbury took some more delicious photos for me;

And Jo took my yellow velvet quilt to a wedding show she recently exhibited at;

I have had such positive responses to my yellow velvet quilt, which we made as a trial quilt this time last year, that it will be no 5  in my current quilt range, being stitched by myself and Frank Fult right now, in time for; at the end of this month.

And if that isn’t enough, following Selvedge Spring Fair a couple of weekends ago and friendly visitor feedback, I am revising my quilts costs, so check out my folksy shop now;

Catch up with you soon. Lx

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Frank Fult stitches my quilts

By lisawato / March 14, 2014 /

Frank Fult from Audenshaw is a genius machinist. It’s fortuitous that I found Frank whilst starting up my quilt business and researching suitable factories in Manchester to stitch my quilts, as I appreciate Frank’s all round textile expertise and eye for detail. I don’t take commission, but if you wish Frank’s contact details, get in touch. Lou Gardiner has already talked to Frank following my tip off! Frank has been in the MCR textile trade for more than a few years and is highly skilled at pattern cutting and constructing all textiles from sporty garments to children’s booties to my gorgeous 100% British Made Harris Tweed and velvet quilts.

Frank machine stitches my quilts and I hand finish them. You can buy one of my fabulous quilts at; x

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Did I mention I have a new quilt?

By lisawato / March 5, 2014 /

I recently added a new Harris Tweed and velvet quilt to my collection. I went for vibrant colours of Harris Tweed to complement Annabel Perrin’s Hemlock printed cotton.

The red and white herringbone tweed, just so reminds me of boiled mint sweets (not murderous barber poles!) which combined with the sky blue velvet conjures bright summery days.

Is it too much to hope for that spring has finally sprung?

Well if all else fails weather wise, you can always lift your spirits by cosying up in one of my colourful new quilts; x

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I’m exhibiting at Selvedge Spring Fair

By lisawato / February 24, 2014 /


I just heard today, I have a stand at this years Selvedge Spring Fair, which runs from 4th to 5th April.

I am really pleased to be part of this event and cannot wait to show my gorgeous quilts.

Find our more about Selvedge at;

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Industrial chic photoshoot for Home Is In The North

By lisawato / February 19, 2014 /

Absolutely fantastic day shooting

Lovely to meet earlier and thanks for arranging today

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Check out our snazzy new flyer for Home is In The North

By lisawato / February 13, 2014 /

Home is Flyer FINAL AMEND

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I’m running 50K for Joe

By lisawato / February 11, 2014 /

Joe-London-Aug2013If you know me personally, you already know my son Joe was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the end of November 2011. Joe’s pancreas has stopped working properly, so he uses an insulin pump to manage his diabetes, as well as counting his carbohydrates in order to stay alive.

When people buy one of my lovely quilts, a £10 donation is given to a choice of 3 charities, one of which is JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) the type 1 diabetes charity, improving lives until we find a cure.

In 2012, I ran the Manchester 10K to raise funds for Diabetes UK and thanks to lots of generous people, raised over £500. This year I am upping my challenge by running the Wilmslow half marathon on 23rd March, The Manchester 10K on 18th May and The Great North Run on 7th September.

All the money I raise will go direct to JDRF to fund research to cure, treat and prevent type 1 diabetes.

JDRF give a voice to people with type 1 diabetes and campaign for increased focus on, and funding for, research to find the cure. Joe is going to The Houses of Parliament on 11th March, as part of JDRF’s #CountMeIn campaign to raise awareness about type 1 and lobby for more research to find a cure for type 1 diabetes.

You can donate by clicking on this link;

Many thanks for your support. Lisa x

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Harris Tweed quilt draped seductively over bed….

By lisawato / January 30, 2014 /

My friend Laura is selling a renovated house on Clyde Road in Didsbury, Manchester. Laura decided she needed some exceptional photos of her property, so asked her photographer friend; Malcom Birkett to take some.

Laura's bed

Fabulous styling of one of my Harris Tweed quilts. Thanks Laura and Malcom. And a big up for friends. x

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Home is-in the North; Launching at Halle St. Peters on Saturday 26th April, 11am – 4pm

By lisawato / January 21, 2014 /

Home Is In The North

I’ve just signed up to a new event by Social Butterfly; Home Is…’ A travelling pop-up event that hosts a unique collective of independent interior designers and boutique homeware brands in core UK cities including Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow.

Home Is In The North

Launching at Halle St. Peters on Saturday 26th April, 11am – 4pm, the event will strongly focus on working with new start-ups who are local to the area and are looking for an exciting and innovative way of bringing their designs to a consumer market.

More info at;

It’s a date for your diary then and I’ll see you there, if not before. x

P.S Rachael from Social Butterfly recently visited the homewares and accessories show; home-london  and here are her musings onit innit;

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